Dagelijks last-minute plaatsen beschikbaar! Bel ons op +32 9 330 04 86
Ham 39
9000 Ghent
Reservations ​
Only 80% of our capacity can be booked online. You can contact us the day itself for the last places available. Tuesday till friday 10h30.
On Saturday at 15h.
Allergies ​
If you have any allergies or dietaries, please give notice in advance.
Opening hours
LUNCH Tue-Fri 12h-14h
DINNER Tue-Sat 19h-21h
CLOSED on Sun- Mon- and Holidays
Holidays 2022-23
WINTER 24 December until 2 January 2023
EASTER 9 April until 17 April 2023
HOLIDAY Thursday 18th of May 2023
CLOSED ON 1,2,3 June 2023
SUMMER 16 July until 7 August 2023
HOLIDAY Tuesday 15th of August 2023
AUTUMN 29 October until 6 November 2022
HOLIDAY Saturday 11th of November 2023​
CLOSED ON Saturday 25th of November 2023
WINTER 24 December until 1st of January 2023
Closest parking lots:​
Street parking is allowed
against payment
more information about Ghent's traffic plan here
There are two steps at our front door.
Our toilet is situated on the first floor.